How Long Does Alimony Last in Michigan?

A man hands cash to a seated woman beside her son on a couch.

Alimony is often a contentious issue in Michigan divorces, particularly when spouses are on bad terms when the marriage ends. Both parties may wonder: How long does alimony in Michigan last?

The short answer is, “It depends.” While judges rarely award permanent alimony, a spouse could make those payments for many years before they end. Our Michigan divorce lawyers explain more below.

What Determines the Duration of Alimony in Michigan?

One of the most common questions we receive is, “How does spousal support work in Michigan?” State law allows the courts to order either spouse to pay alimony, and the amount of spousal support is whatever the court deems “proper and necessary.” Note that although judges can order either spouse to pay alimony, alimony isn’t a requirement in all divorces.

In most Michigan divorces, if the judge overseeing the case awards alimony, the order will specify the term for which those payments will be made. As for how long that period lasts, that depends on several factors, including:

  • The length of the marriage – Longer marriages tend to lead to longer alimony awards, though this isn’t always the case.
  • Each spouse’s financial resources and job skills – If one spouse earns significantly more than the other or one spouse will need a long time to find marketable job skills, the courts are more likely to award long-term spousal support.
  • Each spouse’s age and health – Older spouses or those with severe injuries or illnesses are usually more likely to receive long-term alimony.
  • Whether the recipient spouse remarries – If a spouse receiving alimony remarries, that usually means an end to alimony payments regardless of other factors.

Types of Alimony in Michigan

Michigan courts may award several types of alimony, each designed for different financial situations. Temporary alimony provides financial support to a spouse while the divorce is pending and ends when the court finalizes the divorce. These payments help a lower-earning spouse cover their immediate expenses.

Short-term or rehabilitative alimony helps a spouse gain financial independence, usually by completing additional education or training for a new career. Rehabilitative alimony lasts for a set period, typically until the receiving spouse can support themselves. Courts may adjust the duration based on the recipient spouse’s ability to maintain financial stability.

Permanent alimony is rare, but the courts may award it in long-term marriages, especially if one spouse cannot become self-sufficient because of age, disability, or health issues. Permanent spousal support payments continue indefinitely but can end if the recipient remarries or either party dies.

Modifying or Terminating Alimony

Either spouse can petition the courts to modify or terminate an alimony award, though they’ll need to demonstrate a significant change in circumstances that justifies a modification or termination.

For example, if the paying spouse loses their job or sees a significant drop in their income, they could ask the courts to reduce their alimony payments.

Similarly, the paying spouse could ask for reduced payments or an end to alimony if the other spouse gets a new job that lets them better support themselves. Anyone seeking to modify or terminate an alimony award should seek help from an experienced divorce attorney.

Talk to a Michigan Spousal Support Attorney

Whether you need financial support after a divorce or wish to modify your alimony award, Alward Fisher can explain your legal options and make a persuasive case to the courts on your behalf. Call us today or complete our contact form to learn more.


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