How Long Does a Divorce Take in Michigan?

married couple talking to a divorce lawyer

If you’re considering divorce or in the middle of it, you’re likely wondering: How long does it take to get a divorce? As much as you might want your Michigan divorce to be finalized as quickly as possible, the reality is you should be prepared for the process to take some time. It takes a minimum of two months for the divorce process to play out in Michigan, and it can take up to a year or longer in some cases.

Understanding how the process works can help you speed up the proceedings. Contact the divorce attorneys at Alward Fisher to learn more about the timeframe for Michigan divorces and how we can help.

Divorce Process in Michigan

How long it takes for your divorce to be finalized will depend on several factors throughout the process. The steps involved in the Michigan divorce process depend on the type of divorce you are seeking.

If you and your spouse are seeking an uncontested divorce where you agree on all the terms, you can file a joint petition for divorce with the family division of your local circuit court. You will have to wait at least 60 days before you can go before a judge and have your divorce finalized. The waiting period can be six months in cases involving minor children. In an uncontested divorce, one hearing may be all you need. The judge may finalize your divorce that same day.

In a contested divorce, though, there will be a series of court hearings to determine issues like how your property is divided, if you or your spouse will pay the other alimony, and child custody issues. Contested divorces tend to take much longer and be more expensive than uncontested divorces, as it may take several months before all the issues are resolved.

The divorce process ends when the family court judge signs the final divorce order. This order will set out the divorce terms for both spouses, though they can be modified in some cases with help from an experienced divorce attorney.

Factors that Can Affect the Length of a Divorce

Some of the factors that can affect the length of a divorce in Michigan are:

  • Whether there are any minor children from the marriage
  • The size and complexity of a couple’s shared assets
  • Whether both spouses agree on the terms of the divorce
  • How civil both spouses can be toward each other
  • Whether the residency requirements necessary to file for divorce are met
  • Whether the couple is open to mediation to avoid time-consuming litigation

Talk to an Experienced Divorce Attorney in Traverse City, MI Today

If you are considering divorce or have been served papers in Michigan, turn to the experienced divorce attorneys at Alward Fisher for help. Our knowledgeable team will be ready to discuss your situation when you contact us for a free consultation.

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