Things Not To Do During a Divorce

a child having a hard time choosing which parent she will go with

Needless to say, divorces can be extremely difficult. Often, they take a heavy psychological toll on separating spouses, which can make it difficult for them to adjust to the significant change in their day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, the legal intricacies of your case may create yet another source of stress and anxiety. This post covers some “dos and don’ts” that may help reduce frustration as your divorce is worked out.

Avoid Doing the Following Things If You Are Going Through a Divorce

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can protect your legal rights and minimize unnecessary complications — both interpersonal and practical — in your divorce. Here we go. If you are going through a divorce, do not:

  1. Vent about your spouse online – The internet is a public space, and anything you say online could serve as evidence against you in court.
  2. Ignore court orders – You must comply with all court orders. If you do not, you could face serious consequences, including fines and maybe even jail time.
  3. Hide assets – You could face significant penalties if the court discovers you concealed marital assets during your divorce proceedings.
  4. Forget about possible tax consequences – Consider how any decisions you make during your divorce could affect your tax obligations down the line. Consult with a tax professional and a knowledgeable divorce lawyer before signing any agreements with your spouse.
  5. Neglect your finances – Develop a solid plan for managing your finances moving forward, including setting up a budget and educating yourself on how your decisions today will affect your financial future.
  6. Forget about your children – If you have children, remember that they are likely to undergo significant stress as a result of a divorce. Keep lines of communication open and do what you can to support them.
  7. Ignore your own needs – Divorce is stressful and often takes a debilitating toll on separating spouses. Do not forget to take care of yourself and look after your health, both physical and mental. Seek support from trusted family and friends when needed.

Consider Doing the Following Instead

On the flip side, here are a few things you should always remember to do during the divorce process:

  1. Seek professional help – Consult with an experienced divorce attorney. Your lawyer will make sure you know your full rights, help sort out any legal points of contention, and represent you in divorce court if necessary.
  2. Have a goal in mind – Think about what you want from the divorce and use that as a focus for negotiations with your spouse. A concrete goal can keep you on track and make negotiations more productive for all parties involved.
  3. Stay organized – Keep track of important dates, documents, and communication records relevant to your case. Put everything together in a file and keep it in a secure location. These documents can help you and your attorney get a clearer picture of your case, as well as help both of you set realistic goals for its ultimate outcome.
  4. Create a budget – Develop a budget reflecting your new financial situation. It should include your current expenses and monthly income. This will help you determine what kind of lifestyle you can comfortably afford once the divorce is through.
  5. Take care of yourself – Again, take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Often, one or both spouses experience significant psychological pain and emotional turmoil during and after the divorce process. It is important that they both practice self-compassion and self-care.

Consult With an Experienced Divorce Attorney in Traverse City Today

Whether you are pleased or dismayed at the prospect of getting a divorce, doing so will no doubt bring about significant changes to your day-to-day life, as well as to your plans for the future. However, the legal process of securing a divorce can be complex.

Though this post provides a variety of basic tips on how to handle the steps, the best thing to do is consult with an experienced divorce attorney. The legal team at Alward Fisher is standing by to help. Contact us to schedule your free, confidential consultation with an experienced divorce attorney today.

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